Dallas, TX Office
12222 Merit Drive, Suite 1400
Dallas, Texas 75251
p: (214) 800-5191
f: (214) 800-5190
Dallas, TX Office
12222 Merit Drive, Suite 1400
Dallas, Texas 75251
p: (214) 800-5191
f: (214) 800-5190
Mr. Jeffers is a partner in the Dallas office of Freeman Mills PC. His practice has been predominately in the oil, gas and natural resources areas, with an emphasis on oil and gas title examinations.
Jamie and his wife, Ashley, have two sons.
Presenter, “A Brief Overview of Title Examination & Common Examiner Pitfalls,” XXIV
Annual Review of Oil and Gas Law, Dallas Bar Association, August 2009
Prepared drilling, division order and acquisition title opinions covering lands located in the Barnett Shale (North Texas), the Haynesville Shale (East Texas), the Permian Basin (West Texas and Southeast New Mexico), the San Juan Basin (Northwest New Mexico) and the Western Slope (Colorado)
Performed “standup” title examinations
Examined county, State of New Mexico and State of Colorado, and Bureau of Land Management records in preparation of title opinions
Advised clients regarding joint operating agreements, oil and gas leases, farmout agreements, term assignments and rights-of-way agreements
Performed due diligence for acquisitions and divestitures
Drafted curative oil and gas title documents, including lease ratifications, stipulations of interest, assignments, partial releases, subordination agreements and surface use waivers
Negotiated oil & gas leases on behalf of landowners and oil & gas companies
Litigated disputes involving oil and gas post-productions costs, royalty valuation, surface use agreements, joint operating agreements, service contracts and mineral ownership
Instructed a business law course as an adjunct professor which covered business formations, contracts, employment law, bankruptcy and real estate
James Jeffers is one of D Magazines best lawyers of 2015.